Well still trying to make a change even through the new years.
Well since the last update, I've took in 2 dogs. Not at the same time.
I took in Lacus (that's what I named her) I found her by my school. From what I saw before her previous owner dropped her off on the highway (looks like he was letting her go pee) but he quickly hopped in his jeep and sped away. At first I went back into my school cause my break was over and I thought she was going to be okay. Then I went to lunch. When I came back She ran to me, she just wanted to be with me. She wouldn't let anyone else come near her except me. So I had to take her home, I wanted to take her home. It was a fight with my great aunt it keep her (since I already had 4 dogs already) But I wouldn't take no for an answer! I Won at the end! And She has been a wonderful addition to my pack LOL! She was with me since September.
And Hilary 2nd (or Hilary for short)
I just got her last week. She's such a young puppy. and a weenier dog! (hot dog puppy!) (one of my dream dogs fyi!) Well at first I knew I had a lot of dogs. I wasn't looking to take in another one. But when my mom said her friend has weenier puppies up for grabs. My mom reserved one. So when we went to go pick him up, Fudz gave us 2 puppies, 1 was the only one left and left alone. So of course I couldn't say no. I'm not that type of person to abandon a animal in need.. So of course I took her in. I named her Hilary! She is so cute and tiny!!!!!
I have a lot of dogs. But I love all of them!
People judge me for having a lot of dogs, especially my family.
That make fun of me, be mean to me and such, But I'm not like them. I really love animals! Of all species, I cannot be mean to them, I don't believe in that. I always get upset with my family when they are cruel or mean to there pets. I always get upset so that's why I try to leave or else I will start a fight.
That's why I'm different from my family, probably why they treat me different.
Sux for me
No one will ever change my beliefs or principles, even thought my dad is a hunter (and he does it for fun, which makes me sad)
Maybe it's an opposite thing?
My dad Shane loves hunting things, killing things, mounting them.
But me I hate it all. I get so upset with all of that stuff. HEY I SUPPORT PETA! I hate hunting in general.
See opposite!
Maybe that's his karma LOL!
That would be a funny joke if it was lol!
Well I'll update tomorrow!