Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Life With Anime/My Top 4 Picks!

Lately I've been watching my favourite anime Fruits Basket.
I wish they did season 2, but nobody knows?

I've missed watching anime!

I use to have quite a collection but I got stupid and sold it. I'm gonna try to rebuild me collection again.

I noticed I'm picky about my anime, I just won't like any one, just some that will interest me.

Fruits Basket makes me smile and it's sort of inspiring to the kind of girl I want to be. Like Tohru is always busy with work, school, friends. She always does the house work and cooks. But she keeps trying hard at everything even though life throws her curve balls. She doesn't give up.

Here's a list of my favourite anime's I will never get tired of:




These are my top 4!

I noticed that all of my anime I like all have love drama! (except for gunslinger girl) It always gets me riled up!

Well time to go back to working on my day planner and homework while watching my anime.


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