Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas update


I know it's been a long time to update, but I will (I got some motivation on that theory).

And got what I wanted for my birthday (14th btw) iphone7.

Lots of food, annoying family members. Believe me I wanted to leave really quick when I got there. TBH at that moment I can only stand my sibs, my mom, and grandparents. But the rest of them, to much talking. I'm more to myself, ATM. 

Well I've always had passion for writing. And I guess "shows" gave me motivation, and ideas in what I wanted to do. "Ideas".

I was so happy when by baby bro and sis got there presents from me, but when I saw my 3 cousins only got 1. It made me feel bad. I mean I didn't know, if I did I would of bought more. But the rez special came up to $500. So I thought priority.

Well I've been thinking.....
Keeping my laptop 24/7
I always have something to say or report.
That's my new  years resolution. REPORT EVERYTHING!

Makes me think I gotta clean everything, room, laptop, cell, all!
I kinda wanna be like House (true story)

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