Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New puppy Audrey!

Well i got a new puppy, for a month. She's a mutt but to be honest I'm in love with her!
She makes me so happy and she always puts a smile to my face every morning!
Her name is Audrey ( after my one of my idols Audrey Kitching), and she is a rescue puppy. Meaning: she was found (too young to be without there mother) on the road, dirty, lost and scared. my boyfriend's brother found her and gave her to me. She was thin and scared for the couple of days but now she warmed up to us, since she's been with us for so long she's part of our family now.

ill keep you updated on how she's doing! She always makes me laugh all the time. Before she was scared to interact with people, now she (looks like she's smiling or laughing at us) plays with everyone.

I love her!

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