Monday, June 10, 2013

Pink Home Coming Soon!!!!!!!

Ok for some of us it is impossible to redo our home with the kind of budget were on! (Were all normal people so sometimes we don't have alot of money to blow it on redoing our house!)
So my mission is to redo my whole house that will stick to my budget!!!!!!!!!!
I have ideas in my head to make it a girly house! But then again I do have a boyfriend and I don't want him to get embarrassed every time he brings his friends over for game night so I guess I have to dial it down.
But hopefully it will look some what like this I hope!

You get the idea!
This would be my dream house!!!!!!

I'll be posting pictures soon of the before and afters!
And I'll tell you how I did it and how much it costed!!!!!
I'll keep you guys posted!!!!!

Sky Scream

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