Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Boring life at the moment

Hey guys!
It's been awhile since I blogged, but ALOT has happened!


Well my house is being re-done by Red Cross (since last years flood kinda wrecked our house)

Me and my grandma are staying at the Wesley trailers.

It's different…………………………………….3 meals a day, housekeeping once a week…………but the constant visitors u need to keep track and such. TBH it's kinds like i'm in rehab!!!!!!
Believe me I know the feeling!(it's a long story lol!)

I mean I want my boyfriend to sleep over some nights, but it seems like there is a strict rule about that not happening. This place is suppose to give us a home, make it feel like home……………if I can't do that then it dosent feel like home, u kno?

I can't even drink here!!!!!!!!!
But you know what!?
I sneak my beers in LOL!!!!

Well next step……………..sneak boyfriend in or I will throw a fit!!!!!LOL (But really I will do that)

RED CROSS should get there shit done quickly! I wanna go HOME!!!!!

The trailers feel so small (is so small, since I have so much clothes!)

Well whatever, Ill tell you more tomorrow. I'm just kinda tired right now!

