Sunday, December 16, 2018

2018 update, new date lol

Well it's been this long since i've been back.

2 years I think?

LOL whatever, at least I'm back.

Ive changed a lot, I'll admit I was a hard drinker (like everyday hardcore), and I was to smoke everyday (more like to every 45 mins a day). But I cut down a huge amount in October. And now everyone is so surprised I made these so "hardcore" decisions. It wasn't hard for me to do all that. I was never really addicted. Smoking or liquor. I just had a unhealthy habit, dealing with problems or emotions like this.
But now i was down, finished, it all bore me. I quit within the first week. I was really bored.

Now strangely, I developed a online shopping addiction, lol (well better than before lol!)
Bet those who know me, asked me, how I kicked it.
Well all I can say......... I was never addicted. I know myself, I was just bored. I even quit cigarettes, it wasn't hard. Like I said, I was bored.

Thats one of the things I hate about me, and love.

Normal people will have some sort of addiction, that will cause them trouble.
I'm not, I just get very bored. I'm not weak-minded. I sort of wished i was.
I'm saying this, cause my family is going thru this problem. I wish i can lend them my strength, mentally.

Well thanks for hearing my rant for tonight.
