Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Slowly starting out but my puppy sat in a bowl!

Well sort of proud of myself today.
Did some homework, going through my day planner, selling some clothes, watching House, and writing this blog all at the same time!

I'm multitasking!!

*claps for me clap clap**

Slowly starting my road to being a workaholic.

I'm going to start with school work and start piling on stuff little by little.

Next on my list,
Making some kind of poster of peoples methods or thoughts on how to be more busy, only people that inspire me though.
Sometimes I think to myself "What would Jamie do? Or how do you think Jamie will do this?" lately.

It's getting late but I'm not tired, all I'm just doing is looking over my puppy's Raquel picture.


I love it! When she sits in her bowl.

Well I should try to crash, got a lot of stuff to-do tomorrow, I'll keep you posted!


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