Saturday, April 19, 2014

Another Day Same Rant

Well today was okay.
But I think I'm going against my budget plan…….. sadly……… because of my habit.
Well whatever it's saturday, sue me.

Got into a fight with Kane in the middle of walmart because of it. But how I saw it, it wasn't fair. This was gonna be my last hurrah day than next week I'll be serious about this whole cutting back thing. (Yeah I know how that sounds but in my case he still has his birthday weed from thursday)

Well whatever I stood my ground in walmart (in the magazine section) and he ditches me to go find my grandma than comes back to me and says to me to go see her, she than gives me the money and says to quit getting mad. I wasn't getting mad. I was just tryna prove my point!

Well whatever I got what I want (except for the label maker I wanted) and Kane got his stupid Dark Souls 2 game.

But you know what bothers me?

Not the fact he said no to buying my beer (since I lost my ID a week ago)

But the fact I do everything for him and he doesn't notice it!

I buy his weed for him, I buy the groceries, I buy the insurance for the car, I buy the gas, I buy his games for him, I pay the bills, I clean, I cook for him.

How is that fair!

And yet all he does is play games and take off with his no life friends and gives me no help. Especially since he wrecked my car. (Which added to the pile of things to do/pay off)

It always feels like I need to clean up his messes (sadly)

But I have to keep trying, my luck will come up soon.

I love Kane, I love his personality and the way he is. He just acts the way he does because of his messed up mom (I think she messed them up on how to be messed up life)

It will get better soon, it has too.

Sky Scream

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