Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wow, I didn't know I can get annoyed, I think?

Well just finished sorting out my files, let's just say my office is half way completed.

But still a lot of work to-do (as part of my new routine.)

Today I figured out one of my pet peeves.

While we were at school (and the school is closed for spring break) I noticed I was the only one that was working on my assignments, while Kane was just on the computer just wasting time and not doing any work for 5 hours! (and believe me we are way behind on our work since our tests are in June)

And of course I didn't say anything……. Like always…..

I can see it now, when the teacher tells him the deadline is coming up, he will panic and worry, he will start to blame me for how I let happen to let him get way behind, he will give up, and have to restart his classes all over again.

Well I shouldn't worry about that yet. It's still to early.

Now time to make some dinner, do some homework, go through my day planner, organize my purse, my school bag, my bedroom and the list goes on. All by watching a House marathon all at the same time.

What can I say!

I LOVE that show!!!


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