Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thank you Jamie

Here's my babies saying HELLO!!!!!!!

From Audrey to Hannah and Raquel!!!!!!

Anyways lately I've been thinking about what kind of life I want to have……
And to be honest I would want my friend Jamie's life.
She's married to someone she loves, she has 3 beautiful kids and she has a job that she loves and keeps doing!

I would kill for a life like that!!!!!!! Actually I'm trying to get my life like that.

She tells me she's been to the hospital for over working herself………..Well hell can i switch with you to see how that feels! (because someone like me will never feel that)
But seriously I wish I can have what you have or the experience.
I'm tryna make myself a workaholic but its slowly coming.

IDK most people will think it's unhealthy to think like this but if you know me, and how I grew up then this is a fucking improvement!!!!!!

All I'm saying is I want to get married to someone I love, have kids and get paid to do the things I love/like. Is that to much to ask for?

I guess you can say the life I want is my friend Jamie's, the experiences, the security, the truth and honest living.
IDK how I can explain it more……….  but just the motivation in everything in life, family, love home, work. I want that!!!!!!!

Let's just say Jamie has been 1 of my idols growing up (mother, best friend) and through all the ups and downs it seems like she prepared me for that (I'm ready for it).

I'm ready to make my life how I want it to be, and it's all thanks to her.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Undercover abuse that needs to stop!

After watching this video I nearly cried!

This isn't fair to the animals, the abuse, the torture, how can some people be so heartless!

This really made me think. Yeah, sure I eat meats and stuff but I always expected they treated the animals with respect for their sacrifice. Like nicely and kind and able to live life a lil bit before they have to go to the slaughter house, but this, this is wrong and unfair and really opens your eyes.

And to be honest it is a waste on killing all those animals for nothing, they could of easily reused them or sold them to farms, but nope they just have to kill the babies and throw them away just for fun.

It's disgusting seeing people like this hurting the babies just for fun or just cause they just want to. It makes me think that these people have a serious problem if they can be alright with this sort of abuse, like do they act all messed up too in front of other people?

This sort of abuse is disgusting and it need to STOP!!!!!


I am a big animal lover and I believe they all have feelings. I just hope more people will notice this and think that there has to be kinder ways to treat our animal friends.

After this I'm going to looking at the food I be more closely, like "were these animals on a fair farm raised/breed right? or were they in a heartless factory suffering and being tortured?".

There needs to be more undercover investigations on this issue.

And the government and the people need to buck up and say something about this abuse! It's unfair to them!!!!!!

This all needs to stop!!!!!
And the people that afflict this kind of torture and suffering to the animals (that are already sacrificing so much anyways) needs to be arrested and brought to justice!!!!

If i meet a person like that 1 day who does this to animals Im'ma kick him in the balls and tell him he disgusts me.

Because all of this disgusts me, and if you agree then you know how I feel!


P.S Us human beings can be a cruel race to others, truth be told.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Well lately I've been obsessed with a certain blog.
IDK secretly I'm a organized freak, but i never really show it! ………Maybe because it's cause of my OCD?
Well whatever! It has given me great ideas on how to organize things, in my home and in my life.
IDK but the blog is very addictive.
its called a bowl full of lemons

check it out
a bowl full of lemons

IDK but I can't get enough of it's useful tips and ideas!!!!!

See!!!!! this is absolutely amazing!!!!!

I'm going to do some of these projects on my own, I'll keep you posted on how I am doing. Because I have a feeling that this is going to be sometime.


Friday, March 7, 2014

Morning and life shit!

Ok well today has been confusing?
I did everything that was suppose to be done and yet I'm still confused?
Me and Kane
- woke up
- talked to each other
- had our tea
-got ready for the day
- kissed him "good luck on his day" Than he left for work.
And I did my errands for the day.
Isn't life suppose to be like this? (like in the movies and stuffs?)
Why do I feel like something is missing?

I shouldn't be talking. I'm trying to get my life straight as it is. But inside me it always feels like i'm missing something (and i don't know what at the moment).

Well the only way to figure that out is to tell you about my days till i figure it out!!!!!!!

Well today I had to be in Calgary by 11am.
I slept on the ride and I was a lil bit hungover from the night before.
I DON'T DO SHIT BEFORE 10!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah I admit I have a drinking problem, But I'll start on my new routine next week! (only drink on weekends!)

This new plan can help so much! (Hopefully)

Yeah, yeah I made this promise to myself before………
But this time I plan to stick to it,
I wanna have a better life than this and this is the only way.
And also I promised my Kane
Sometimes I just want to give up but than I remember he has my back and he is always on my side.
Looks like I have to get use to the feeling.

Since I was homeless and a street kid when I was a teenager.
But times do change, everything changes for everyone.
I just gotta learn to accept it.

till next time!

Sky Scream

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hair Stuffz

Ok so I think I'm going to make a journal on different hair products.
Well I'm trying to grow out my hair (and my hair sadly breaks at a certain point.
I wish I had my old hair back!!!!!!!!
Yeah! I was pretty and cute back then! LOL!

But I've decided to test the shampoo and conditioners that promise results!
I'll record the type of shampoo and conditioner, when i started it and when it ended, and the result from the product. Basically if it worked or if it is a sham!
There has got to be some miracle to let us help our hair grow! I hope I find it!!!! Wish me luck!!!! I'll keep you updated!!!!


Sky Scream