Sunday, December 16, 2018

2018 update, new date lol

Well it's been this long since i've been back.

2 years I think?

LOL whatever, at least I'm back.

Ive changed a lot, I'll admit I was a hard drinker (like everyday hardcore), and I was to smoke everyday (more like to every 45 mins a day). But I cut down a huge amount in October. And now everyone is so surprised I made these so "hardcore" decisions. It wasn't hard for me to do all that. I was never really addicted. Smoking or liquor. I just had a unhealthy habit, dealing with problems or emotions like this.
But now i was down, finished, it all bore me. I quit within the first week. I was really bored.

Now strangely, I developed a online shopping addiction, lol (well better than before lol!)
Bet those who know me, asked me, how I kicked it.
Well all I can say......... I was never addicted. I know myself, I was just bored. I even quit cigarettes, it wasn't hard. Like I said, I was bored.

Thats one of the things I hate about me, and love.

Normal people will have some sort of addiction, that will cause them trouble.
I'm not, I just get very bored. I'm not weak-minded. I sort of wished i was.
I'm saying this, cause my family is going thru this problem. I wish i can lend them my strength, mentally.

Well thanks for hearing my rant for tonight.


Monday, December 26, 2016

December something update lol

Christmas is over, I got nothing I wanted, of course everyone gets what they don't want LOL!

Well over here in Morley, Alberta. I went for a drive to the "ghost" let's just say I almost couldn't get out of my drive way, and the roads was bad (like you can barley see them cuz of the blowing snow across it, so you can't see the lines.) I barley made it home, I was basically  in the middle of the road the entire time (my motto, if they see me, they better get out of the way, or go in the ditch cuz I'm not moving! LOL!)

But I made it back home!

I'm selfish, rude. I will do anything to do what I want to do. Just so I'm not bored. I get bored really easily. But when it comes to people I actually care about I really try to make an effort. Sometimes it's hard. But I always try to make it work.

It feels like I gotta redo everything now, since the new year is gonna start. I'm not afraid of that.
I just heard that my best friend is gonna be spending new years in quebec. I hope to see her soon before that, once I'm not scared of driving into the city (she always drove for me anyways) so can you see how scared I am.

I miss you Tish, I wish I can see you. I miss our 3 fun buddies (tish, weis and me). LOL!
OH God!!!!!

It feels like this wind it will blow down my house!!!!!!!!

Oh and last minute update! I'm watching House!!!!!!!
Love that show!!!!!!

Christmas update


I know it's been a long time to update, but I will (I got some motivation on that theory).

And got what I wanted for my birthday (14th btw) iphone7.

Lots of food, annoying family members. Believe me I wanted to leave really quick when I got there. TBH at that moment I can only stand my sibs, my mom, and grandparents. But the rest of them, to much talking. I'm more to myself, ATM. 

Well I've always had passion for writing. And I guess "shows" gave me motivation, and ideas in what I wanted to do. "Ideas".

I was so happy when by baby bro and sis got there presents from me, but when I saw my 3 cousins only got 1. It made me feel bad. I mean I didn't know, if I did I would of bought more. But the rez special came up to $500. So I thought priority.

Well I've been thinking.....
Keeping my laptop 24/7
I always have something to say or report.
That's my new  years resolution. REPORT EVERYTHING!

Makes me think I gotta clean everything, room, laptop, cell, all!
I kinda wanna be like House (true story)

Monday, April 25, 2016

April update

Wow I can't believe how long has it been since I last updated! SORRY!!!!!!

Right now I'm having a Pokemon marathon! From 1 to whatever season it takes me!
I got a bf and his name is Andrew. Let's just say I kind of stole hime from my god mom (dad) lol, if you get my drift LOL!

But we love each other, he's actually living with me!

Other than that a lot of things have been happening in my life. I'm done with school in June, than it's SAIT in the fall. I'm still not sure what to go in, there's a lot of pressure cause of the deadline coming up soon. I really wanna update you guy from then and now but it seems like it might be cold coming from me, Well my version anyways. Well lets just say a lot of people from my rez died (and to be honest, one of them i'm not gonna cry over). My fitness routine got fucked up! So I am restarting it this week! My sister has been asking me to boot for her, which I will cause I will charge a fee ( I know some people are against this, but it's gonna happen. Prolong this the curious gets worse! Just saying!) And the rumor is that my bf has  a baby. Yeah a lot has happened.

Well here's my update! I'll see you soon!!!!!


Sky Scream

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

New additions to my pack!

Well still trying to make a change even through the new years.

Well since the last update, I've took in 2 dogs. Not at the same time.

I took in Lacus (that's what I named her) I found her by my school. From what I saw before her previous owner dropped her off on the highway (looks like he was letting her go pee) but he quickly hopped in his jeep and sped away. At first I went back into my school cause my break was over and I thought she was going to be okay. Then I went to lunch. When I came back She ran to me, she just wanted to be with me. She wouldn't let anyone else come near her except me. So I had to take her home, I wanted to take her home. It was a fight with my great aunt it keep her (since I already had 4 dogs already) But I wouldn't take no for an answer! I Won at the end! And She has been a wonderful addition to my pack LOL! She was with me since September.

And Hilary 2nd (or Hilary for short)
I just got her last week. She's such a young puppy. and a weenier dog! (hot dog puppy!)  (one of my dream dogs fyi!) Well at first I knew I had a lot of dogs. I wasn't looking to take in another one. But when my mom said her friend has weenier puppies up for grabs. My mom reserved one. So when we went to go pick him up, Fudz gave us 2 puppies, 1 was the only one left and left alone. So of course I couldn't say no. I'm not that type of person to abandon a animal in need.. So of course I took her in. I named her Hilary! She is so cute and tiny!!!!!

I have a lot of dogs. But I love all of them!

People judge me for having a lot of dogs, especially my family.
That make fun of me, be mean to me and such, But I'm not like them. I really love animals! Of all species, I cannot be mean to them, I don't believe in that. I always get upset with my family when they are cruel or mean to there pets. I always get upset so that's why I try to leave or else I will start a fight.

That's why I'm different from my family, probably why they treat me different.

Sux for me

No one will ever change my beliefs or principles, even thought my dad is a hunter (and he does it for fun, which makes me sad)

Maybe it's an opposite thing?

My dad Shane loves hunting things, killing things, mounting them.
But me I hate it all. I get so upset with all of that stuff. HEY I SUPPORT PETA! I hate hunting in general.

See opposite!
Maybe that's his karma LOL!

That would be a funny joke if it was lol!

Well I'll update tomorrow!




Monday, August 10, 2015

Should of known

It's 12:04 am and I'm watching another scary movie..........Mirrors.
This is a bad habit before bedtime.

Well all sort of stuff has been in my head today.......... This will come up in future posts. But let's just say it's a lot!

Looks like Tia is gonna go to sleep, so I should move my ass in my room. (She sleeps in the living room) (and also I still gotta take a shower tonight or else it will be a fight in the morning with her LOL!)

Well it's almost 1 now. Shower finished. I just can't sleep in wet hair tho, it will tangle up my extensions.

Just checked my Facebook today, some messages were ignored (that's a first). Kinda pissed. Here I am wanting to make new friends at work, and them the same. But when I make a effort, I just get ignored. Or shunned. LIARS! LOL!

I'm tryna push my limit, meet new people, make new friends, even tho I am very shy at the moment (but if you really get to know me I'm very loud and silly, and actually a lil girly LOL!)

I should of known people from Morley are kinda like this.

But oh well keep trying, but with different people.
No point of doing that with people in Morley. (no offence)


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Update August

Hey you! 

Wow! It's been so long since I blogged, I promise to keep you up to date from now on!

Well, Ive gotten extensions put in my hair............and I LOVE THEM!!!!!
I joined World Health gym, and I got a personal trainer! It's the best! I mean the amount of money I spend a month is actually worth it!

But this summer I've been in this youth program (It's suppose to put you in different jobs to gain work experience. But it's SHIT! They really need to hire some people to run this program because the people doing it now have no clue what there doing!) But an easy way to earn cash I guess?

Oh yeah! 
And my cousin Tia came to live with me and my great aunt.
I'm not gonna complain she has been a big help! She cleans and cooks, and keeps my grandmother (great aunt) happy. And it's nice to have some one young like I am around the house.
Gotta give props to my cousin Tia for making my life less stressful!

But lately I've had no cash on me because bills built up over the summer. OMG this is the first that ever happened! I now understand why people say I wish I was a kid again! Same here!!!

I still want things, I want to improve in my life, I got one done (working out 4 times a week). But (yeah i gotta admit when I'm bored I drink) cut down and do something that will keep me busy. BUT HEY! At least I'm making baby steps to improve my life! It's hard I gotta admit! I have low self discipline ( and YES I hate myself for that!) But baby steps you know, baby steps.

I'm not saying I have a problem, it;s just i'm ADHD and I gotta have something todo to keep me busy. And believe me, on the rez you can get extremely BORED!!!!!!! So yeah, I'm trying to come up with other options for me to do. It's been hard. But at least I haven't given up!

Anyways at the moment it's 1:58 am and I'm watching Jeepers Creepers 2. And I'm kinda getting creeped out LOL!

But anyways my upcoming posts will be more me............if you catch my drift! With pics and shit I mean LOL! 

Anyways I'll keep you posted!!!! PROMISE!!!!!!!